[IIOE2-EP20] KIOST Indian Ocean Study

Lead Investigator and other key participant (s):

  1. Dr. TaeKeun Rho , Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology, Ansan
  2. Dr. Suk Hyun Kim , (Co-Leader), Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology, Ansan

Period of Project: January, 2017 to December, 2019

Brief description of the Project:

The western region of Indian Ocean is located at the endpoint of great conveyor belt and may be very sensitive to global climate changes. The Indian Ocean Dipole may also influence physical conditions of the region and dynamic of internal material cycles. This project will examine the response of vertical and horizontal circulation pattern and internal material cycles, including nutrients, organic and inorganic carbon, TEIs. We will conduct multi-disciplinary research including physical, chemical, and biological parameters and multi-platforms such as satellite, RAMA buoy, Argo drifter, and research vessel. This project is funded by Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology for three years (2017-2019). We will embrace GEOTRACES activities in this project using clean CTD system on board R/V ISABU crossing the 8oS transect from 55oE to 100 oE.

Region of study

  1. Western equatorial region (67 oE line from 5 oN - 20 oS )
  2. Cross Indian Ocean equatorial regions (along 8 oS from 55 oE to 100 oE)
  3. Eastern equatorial region (100 oE line from 20 -4 oS)

Area of Interest

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