- Dona Paula, Goa, India.
- +91-0832- 2450327
- iiosc2020[at]nio[dot]org
Abstract Submission No. | ABS-2022-02-0010 |
Title of Abstract | Impact of IOD and ENSO on decadal variability of mixed layer depth in the Bay of Bengal |
Authors | Dr. Arnab Mukherjee* |
Organisation | National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research (NCPOR) |
Address | NCPOR, Headland Sada, Vasco Da Gama, Goia, India Pincode: 403804 Mobile: 9372670241 E-mail: arnab@ncpor.res.in |
Country | India |
Presentation | Oral |
Abstract | We have identified decadal (2000 - 2020) variability of Mixed Layer Depth (MLD) in the Bay of Bengal using an global ocean sea-ice couple model, known as Modular Ocean Model (version 5) with sea ice simulator (MOM-SIS). Our model analysis shows prominent decadal increase (decrease) of MLD during all four seasons (winter, spring, summer and autumn) along east coast of India and eastern boundary of Bay of Bengal (east coast of Srilanka and central Bay of Bengal). Also, maximum strength of decadal increase of MLD are observed in the central and southern part of east coast of India compared to northern. We have tried to link decadal variability of MLD in the Bay of Bengal (BoB) with interannual El NiñoSouthern Oscillation (ENSO) and Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) events. In our analysis, both positive and negative IOD years are considered as a combined ENSO and IOD events. In the 2000 2010 decade, there are total 8 combined ENSO - IOD and two Normal events, where, in the 2010 2020 decade, there are total 7 ENSO - IOD and three Normal events. Our model analysis shows that weaker combined ENSO - IOD events during 2010 2020 decade compared to 2000 2010 are responsible for decadal weakening of MLD in the east coast of Sri Lanka and central BoB and decadal increase of MLD along east coast of India and eastern boundary of the BoB. Our model analysis confirms prominent impact of Normal events along east coast of India and eastern boundary of BoB by increasing MLD compared to other regions of BoB, where weakening of MLD are observed dominated by combined decadal weakening of ENSO IOD events. |