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- +91-0832- 2450327
- iiosc2020[at]nio[dot]org
Abstract Submission No. | ABS-2022-02-0434 |
Title of Abstract | CLIVARs work in the Indian Ocean |
Authors | Jing Li* |
Organisation | International CLIVAR Project Office (ICPO) |
Address | First Institute of Oceanography, MNR Qingdao, Shandong Province, China Pincode: 266061 Mobile: 8613910015 E-mail: jing.li@clivar.org |
Country | China |
Presentation | Poster |
Abstract | CLIVAR: Climate and Ocean - Variability, Predictability and Change, is one of the six core projects of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP), which is co-sponsored by WMO, IOC-UNESCO and ISC. With the recent published Science Plan for both CLIVAR and WCRP, there is an urgent need to build a society resilient to environmental changes, and to provide regional ocean and climate information that is relevant to the society. The Indian Ocean Region Panel (IORP), co-sponsored by CLIVAR and IOC GOOS, serves to provide scientific and technical oversight for implementation of the sustained ocean observing system for the Indian Ocean and coordinates research on the role of the Indian Ocean in the climate system. Several basin-wide initiatives have been coordinated or supported by IORP, such as the Indonesia Throughflow Task Team, the IndOOS (an integrated observing system for the Indian Ocean), Year of Maritime Continent (YMC), etc. One of the greatest contributions from the panel is to lead the decadal review for IndOOS in 2017-2019. Over 60 scientists and 9 organizations contributed to the Review by generating 136 actionable recommendations prioritized into 3 tiers in the 2020-2030 IndOOS-2 Roadmap. IORP will do periodical review for checking the progress of the IndOOS-2 implementation together with other partner programmes, e.g., IRF, IOGOOS, IIOE-2, SIBER, etc. Meanwhile, there is also an increasing interest from the CLIVAR community on the tropical basins interaction, and both the IORP and the Monsoons Panel showed an interest in understanding the interactions among Indian Ocean, ENSO and monsoons, and their relations to weather and climate extremes. In addition, there is a strong emphasis on the capacity building in the WIO region - specifically targeted at supporting ocean observing systems and utilizing global data sets, as well as the motivation to coordinate the existing effort of Early Career Scientists networks by initiating the ?Indian Ocean Ambassador. |