Abstract Submission No. | ABS-2022-04-0362 |
Title of Abstract | Eddy covariance observations in the Marine Boundary Layer from the Bay of Bengal. |
Authors | Abhijith Raj*, Dr. B Praveen Kumar, Dr. VSJ Raju |
Organisation | Indian National Centre For Ocean Information Services |
Address | INCOIS, Pragathi Nagar Hyderabad, Telangana, India Pincode: 500090 Mobile: 9995830011 E-mail: abhijitthraj@gmail.com |
Country | India |
Presentation | Poster |
Abstract | Micrometeorological observations at 20 Hz were obtained from the Bay of Bengal using a custom-made Eddy Covariance (EC) System installed on a mooring and collected 15 months of data. The EC system included an Infrared Gas Analyzer, Sonic anemometer, and motion sensor pack, and data from all these instruments were stored in a data logger, which was later recovered for processing. Detailed quality checks and post-processing of the raw data have been done, and eddy covariance fluxes of heat and momentum were calculated and compared with flux observations. Our preliminary analysis suggests that the stability parameterizations for dimensionless shear in the widely used COARE v3.5 bulk flux algorithm underestimate the observed dimensionless shear by at least 40% in the convective regime, which results in a 25-35% mismatch between bulk and EC fluxes in weak winds. The detailed data processing aspects and preliminary results will be presented. |