Guidelines for Virtual Poster Presentations
E-Poster Preparation
- The e-Poster should be prepared in a single file and submitted in PDF format of A4-Size in Portrait with 300dpi resolution.
- The size should not exceed 10 MB.
- The file name of the e-poster should be in the PDF format
- The title should be bold and cover full width of the poster.
- Presenting Author’s Name & Co-Authors Names & their affiliation should be written below the title. The name of the presenting author should be underlined.
- Recommended e-Poster Content: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion & References (Pics & Tables) can be added.
- The e-poster file should be clear, understandable and self-explanatory.
- The e-poster pdf can also be accompanied with a pre recorded video explaining the poster. The video should be in MP4 format of size not more than 1GB and the play time not exceeded 2 mins.
Submitting your ePoster:
When your poster and / or pre recorded is ready, upload it to the organizers via the following link so that it could be displayed in the corresponding e-Poster Sessions.
These inputs should reach the organizers by 11thMarch, 2022 @ 11:00 hrs (IST)
In case of any issues uploading the presentation using the above link, the participant may contact at
Kind Regards,
Local Organising Committee
International Indian Ocean Science Conference (IIOSC-2022).